APM: Unregenerate Zionists, The Stalwarts, and Power Ain’t Generous
On 04/10/2024 | 0 Comments
sent by Zaahied Sallie



The genocidal Zionists are the most unregenerate and irredeemable individuals.

I don’t use these terms lightly, but I believe they are accurate.

What we have witnessed and continue to see is the tangible manifestation of Zionism reaching its apex and disgorging its most violent, ruthless, brutal and obscene actions on the Palestinians and the world. And you don’t get more obscene than genociding an occupied people openly, inducing a famine upon two million people, justifying it in the name of self-defence and religion, and then having the audacity to export the horror onto others.

To arrive at a pathology of such an evil magnitude requires deep psycho-social-doctrinal investment over a protracted period.

However, we are not witnessing the mutation of early 20th-century Zionism into some deviant strand but the expression of Zionism itself. The words of David Ben Gurion, the inaugural Prime Minister of the Zionist State, prove that Zionism began as an obscenity: “I am for compulsory transfer; I do not see anything immoral in it.”1

The only difference today is that it’s built up such a head of steam that it’s impossible to rein in and, thus, exponentially more dangerous and unstable.

Daniella Weiss, leader of the settler movement, and the Extreme-Far-Right within the Israeli government, such as the likes of Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, believe their actions are righteous, making them extremely dangerous to the Palestinians, including Israelis who oppose their maniacal messianic ideology and even those who don’t oppose them but understand that their radicalism is untenable. These ultra-extremists are no longer fringe but dominate much of the Israeli consciousness.

The Pew Research Centre, an American nonpartisan organisation, affirms this viewpoint. In May 2024, it conducted an independent poll of Israelis, with 73% in favour of the slaughter in Gaza2. Of this figure, 39% believe the military offensive is acceptable, and 34% want the military to increase the intensity.

All this is deeply unsettling, but even more disturbing is that the West, principally the US, is sponsoring the genocide against the Palestinians, which proves another point: Western social norms are not rooted in ethics. If it were, the US Democratic Party and the majority of its constituency would vehemently oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government as they do Donald Trump and the Republican party for their fascist politics. Instead, they continue to support Israel with unwavering financial and military support.

The human rights lawyer and ex-senior UN official Craig Mokhiber, in a Mondoweiss article, states: “The ruthlessness of the Israeli genocide machine in Palestine, and the direct complicity of the US, UK, and other Western governments are two key pillars in the horrors being perpetrated against the Palestinian people (and in the attacks on human rights defenders around the globe). But there is an essential third pillar: the role of complicit Western media corporations knowingly disseminating Israeli disinformation and propaganda, justifying war crimes and crimes against humanity, dehumanizing Palestinians, and blacking out information on the genocide in the West.”3

The West’s response to the Gaza genocide has unveiled its hypocrisy and, ostensibly, its bigotry as never before.

In the chapter The Women, Allah asks His Prophet: “Do you not see those who claim to believe in what has been sent down to you, and in what was sent down before you, yet still want to turn to unjust tyrants for judgement, although they have been ordered to reject them? Satan wants to lead them far astray.”

The above verse is an appropriate comparison for all those who claim to believe in universal human rights and equality but remain entirely subservient to the commands of tyrants and oppressors.

Therefore, it remains the responsibility of the justice and peace-loving citizens of the world to reject the proliferation of falsehoods and using all means necessary, pressure their governments to impose an embargo on the pariah state until Palestine is free.


(1) Page xi, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe, 2006
(2) Israel-Hamas War: How Israelis See It | Pew Research Center
(3) Western media can be held legally accountable for its role in the Gaza genocide – Mondoweiss

The Prophet (s)


Pontificating about Palestine is deficient in rendering the country and its people their freedom.

We must enact, live, espouse, sacrifice and recommit daily to the values and principles of unity, humanity, racial equality, freedom and justice. And we must do so in the face of oppression, repression, antagonism, ignorance, racism, pacifism, apathy, hatred, lies, indifference, violence and corporate, financial and political hegemony.

The freedom and labour movements of the 19th and 20th centuries embodied these ideals. So, too, did the Prophet (s): “I will continue with this mission until it is successful or I die trying.”

For them, it was not just about sloganeering and pamphleteering. It was a matter of life and death. These freedom-loving and striving people lived and breathed resistance in the face of empire, and many suffered and died for their beliefs.

Restoring social and economic justice was the mission of every Prophet. But they could not do it alone. Courageous and sincere men and women surrounded God’s final two prophets. The Prophet Jesus (as) had the Hawariyin (Disciples) and Prophet Muhammad (s), the Sahabah (Companions).

Those who take up the baton for Palestine and all oppressed people of the world follow the best of prophetic traditions. Standing up for justice and our humanity is not a question of popularity. It is about the type of humans we want to be.

Power Ain’t Generous

History has taught us many truths. One is that those drunk on power are not generous.

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in America and then escaped from its clutches to become a social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, statesman and one of the most important civil rights activists of the 19th century. He wrote: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

Until next week, InshaAllah

Zaahied Sallie

Author of The Beloved Prophet – An Illustrated Biography in Rhyme

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