APM: Acceptance, Earning Love, and Ad Hockery
On 19/01/2024 | 0 Comments
sent by Zaahied Sallie



To seek to understand and accept (Rida) is not to condone or remain apathetic. It is to adopt a realistic humility in Allah’s decree, which is the space necessary for advancement to begin. 

Allah is al-Raqib—All-Aware. He knows everything in minutiae. This knowledge should give us solace because we understand He knows the status quo and allows its manifestation.

Only once we gain an accurate awareness of our individual/social affairs and accept it, regardless of how ugly or painful, can we plot a course from our current position to an improved one.

If we don’t know or are in denial about our situation, we cannot move to where we want to be. 

Accept the truth, even if it’s bitter. If you do, your future fruits will be sweet.

The Prophet (s)


The Prophet (s) was disposed to selflessness and thus cultivated a level of altruism that hitherto is unmatched.

Ummati, Ummati was the Prophet’s guiding mantra, which focused squarely on the needs of others. And squarely, he did, as he would always square up to face someone when in conversation. 

When one gives another sincere attention combined with service, care, and concern, the reciprocal response can only be love. 

To choose an atomised existence is to reject love and connection.

To be unselfish is to recognise our humanity (human unity), community (common unity) and interconnectedness. 

Dua: O Allah. Grant me to remain connected to Thee and be one with Thine creation.

Ad Hockery

Ad hockery is reliance on temporary solutions rather than consistent, long-term plans.

This strategy is antithetical to mastery. It’s also a reactionary operating mode that robs one of energy and equanimity.

Instead of dabbling in many things and never building anything substantial, choose one, a maximum of two if you must, that resonates the strongest, and focus your efforts there. Foresight and patience are the virtues which root this approach, forming the bedrock for bounteous future harvests.

A certain bamboo species, even while tended, shows no signs of growth. Only after five years does it break ground and grow 90 feet (27 metres) within six weeks to maturity. Our limited vision veils us from the developing root system necessary to support the rapid future growth spurt. 

The lesson learned is if we consistently and patiently work on our plan, our efforts will aggregate and compound into stunning results. 

Keep on sowing, and trust Allah to do the growing.

Question: Where will you be a year from now if you consistently work on one small change every day?

Until next week, InshaAllah

Zaahied Sallie

Author of The Beloved Prophet – An Illustrated Biography in Rhyme

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